Essential Solicitor Update Kerry 2019 The new Skillnet Finuas Autumn season will start on the 5 th September in Tralee and I am really looking forward to challenging and watching…
3 Things to Attract Attention to your Legal Website Content Your future clients invariable search for answers before concluding that they need your services.You need to think about “What” it is…
In the last Law Society report February 2019 the Director General Ken Murphy tells us that the number of Solicitors with Irish practising certificates are 10972 an increase of 5…
The team here in HQ are very excited to have been shortlisted for an Irish Law Award 2019 in the “SERVICE PROVIDER TO THE LEGAL PROFESSION category. We are proud…
There is absolutely no doubt that Content is King and this expression has been bandied about for quite some time.However the way content is consumed has changed and the consumer…
In this series we at LegalRSS will outline why your Law Practice should choose to do business with us. The Law Society’s recently released ‘Crowe Report’ outlines a number of…
Legalrss delivers content for the full range of categories of Irish law to solicitors websites daily. This consistent delivery of content raises the traffic to the website and results in…